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CII launches CSR Connect to infuse corporate investment to social development in North East
Jul 03, 2024

CII launches CSR Connect to infuse corporate investment to social development in North East


The two day North East CSR Connect – Unlocking North East’s Potential, has been launched by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 3-4 July 2024 in New Delhi.

Inaugurated by the chief guest, Dr Sukanta Majumdar, Minister of State, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India, the initiative aims to bridge the gap between the corporate sector and the North East's socio-economic development, through impactful initiatives in partnership with the Government.

In his address Dr Sukanta Majumdar highlighted that the Rs 10,000 crore UNNATI Scheme introduced for the North East will bring in investments into the region. He appreciated the stunning metamorphosis of the Northeast Region of India under the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister. The Central Ministries are spending 10% of their Gross Budgetary Support in the North Eastern Region not only through their ongoing schemes, but also through dedicated schemes for the North Eastern Region. This shows the focus towards the region, he added. The Government of India’s focus on increasing the bilateral cooperation with Bangladesh has opened up lot of avenues for industry to do business in the region by using the Chittagong port. Industry should take the advantage of this trade corridor  holds a pivotal position as a gateway to Southeast Asia.

He highlighted on the strategic advantage of the region and with the improved bilateral cooperation with Bangladesh and opening of the Chittagong port it has opened lot of avenues for industry to use the gateway for trade. This will bring in more investment in the region, and would lead to more activities on socio-development.

Over the 8 year period (2014-15 to 2022-23), the region has been growing has at a CAGR of 6.77% which is higher than the national average of 5.43%. The region contributed to 2.95% of the national GDP (2022-23 at constant prices).  Mr Chanchal Kumar, IAS, Secretary, Ministry for Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India stated that there is a need to mobilize additional resources for NER and infusion of private funding is likely to hasten the development of the Region. The CSR contribution in NER is limited and needs to be addressed at the policy level and hence the need for forums like these. He added that State Government should develop a repository of investible projects for each State for attracting CSR investments.

Earlier, in his welcome address, Mr R Mukundan, Vice President, CII and Managing Director, Tata Chemicals Limited said that over the last 10 years, the journey of CSR moved from 2 percentage compliance oriented approach to increased focus on transparency and an impact orientation. With companies taking an active role in tracking key metrics to measure how their CSR initiatives are impacting communities they serve.  He was hopeful that the 2 day CSR Conclave will shed the light on the CSR journey and gather some new ideas and approach that would inspire all of us in defining an impactful CSR vision in the North East.

The initiative was also attended by Mr Inder Deep Singh Dhariwal, IAS, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India and Mr Pradeep Bagla, Chairman, CII North East Council and Managing Director, Amrit Cements Limited.

The two-day initiative showcases impactful projects in the North East's socio-economic development, providing a collaborative platform for businesses, government, civil society, and NGOs. It will facilitate the exchange of best practices, innovative ideas and emerging CSR trends.

With participation from the North East state governments and central ministries, over 100 NGOs were connected with over 80 corporates for cooperation and partnerships. A Compendium was released by the Minister of State during the Inaugural Session. On the sidelines an Exhibition was set up to showcase social development projects.


New Delhi

3 July 2024

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