
19th CII India Africa Business Conclave
L-R: Mr Noel Tata, Chairman, CII Africa Committee and Chairman, Tata International Ltd; H.E. Mr Sosten Gwengwe, M.P., Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of Malawi; H.E. Mr Guibolo Fanga Mathieu, Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of Chad; H.E. Mr Serge Gnaniodem Poda, Minister of Industrial Development, Commerce, Handicrafts and Small and Medium Enterprises, People's Republic of Burkina Faso; H.E. Mr. Rui Miguens de Oliveira, Minister of Industry & Commerce, Republic of Angola; H.E. Mr. Seydou Asman, Minister of Trade & Industry, Republic of Niger; H.E. Mr. Omar Said Shaaban, Minister for Trade and Industrial Development, Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania; Mr Sanjiv Puri, President, CII and Chairman & Managing Director, ITC Ltd; and Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry; at the Special Plenary Session with Trade Ministers at the 19th CII India Africa Business Conclave on 21 August 2024, in New Delhi.
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