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Panel Discussion - Star Panel Plenary: Televised CNBC Roundtable

Panel Discussion - Star Panel Plenary: Televised CNBC Roundtable at India - UK Tech Summit held from 7-9 November 2016 in New Delhi. The participants were - Sheeren Bahn, Managing Editor, CNBC TV18 (Moderator), Jo Johnson MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, UK, Sir Gerry Grimstone, Deputy Chairman of Barclays, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Founder & Chairman, Cobra Beer; Emma Sinclair, Entrepreneur (Founder of Enterprise Jungle), P V Mohandas Pai, Chairman, Board of Manipal Global Education, Prof Patrick J Wolfe, Deputy Director, Alan Turing Institute, Dr Ruth McKernan CBE, Chief Executive, Innovate UK and Rajesh Agarwal, Deputy Mayor of London. 

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