How to Become a Member  

CII Membership Eligibility

1. Categories

Members Any Company or Firm in India engaged in manufacturing activity or present in the services sector including Banks, Financial Institutions, Law Firms, Hospitals, Travel/Tourism & Hospitality, Films, Media: Print and Electronic, Digital Entertainment, Advertising, Publishing, Fashion are eligible. This category of Members shall stand for annual elections to the National/Regional/State Councils and have the right to vote.
Associate Members Representative offices of foreign companies operating in India as Liaison Offices under the approval of Reserve Bank of India are eligible. The Associate Membership would be converted into Member category as and when Liaison Office status changes to a full-fledged company with the commencement of commercial production/services generating sales turnover. They shall have no power to occupy a seat on the National/Regional/State Councils and shall not have the right to vote.
Affiliated Associations National or Regional Associations/Councils/Organisations of industry interests are eligible. Affiliation to CII of such bodies would not affect the autonomy or independence of the affiliated body, which would retain the complete right to decide and to pursue its own line of action. Such affiliated bodies shall not have the right to vote. While National Affiliated Associations shall stand for elections to the National Council, they shall not have the right to vote. Regional Affiliated Associations shall neither have power to occupy a seat on the National/Regional/ State Councils not have the right to vote.
Institutional Members National or Regional Professional Institutes/Organisations/Boards of industry interests dealing with collection and dissemination of information, research & development, technical upgradation processes, exploration of new resources, etc. as distinct from industry Associations/Councils/ Organisations are eligible. They shall have no power to occupy a seat on the National/Regional/State Councils and shall not have the right to vote.

2. Membership Admission Process

  • For admission as a Member of the Confederation, a Company or a Firm shall make an application in writing to the Regional Director of the respective Region on the prescribed form, which shall be signed by the applicant. The application shall contain an acceptance of, and an agreement to abide by, the rules and regulations of the Confederation.
  • Such an application shall be proposed by one and seconded by another Member and may be admitted by the Regional Council of the concerned Region after the Regional / State office-bearers have approved the application form.
  • All admissions, except where expressly otherwise stated, shall be made by a Regional Council and all applications for Membership shall be submitted to the Regional Director of the Region, where the applicant's principal establishment is located, being the largest establishment in terms of Gross Sales Turnover during last financial year of the applicant concerned.
3. Documents required:

  • Latest Annual Report / Balance Sheet / Audited Accounts
  • Company Profile
  • Certificate of incorporation (for a newly established Company)
  • Registration Certificate as per MSME Act or a Certification by the auditors / authority
  • List of Key Management Personnel
  • Note on your expectations from CII
Associate Member
  • Last year Annual Report and audit accounts of the Parent Company
  • Copy of the approval from Reserve Bank of India
Affiliated Association - National / Regional
  • Memorandum & Rules of Association
  • Copy of Registration Certificate
  • List of Governing Council, (together with addresses) of your associations
  • List of Members
  • A brief note on how your Association would benefit from Affiliation to CII
  • Last Annual Report & Audited Accounts of your association
Institutional Member - National / Regional
  • Memorandum & Rules of Institution
  • Copy of Registration Certificate
  • List of Governing Council, (together with addresses) of your institutions
  • List of Members
  • A brief note on how your Institution would benefit from CII Membership
  • Last Annual Report & Audited Accounts of your institution

Online Application for CII membership is available through our portal . To apply for CII membership, please register at and login to apply for membership.

Alternatively, fill in the brief Membership Admission Request Form and submit to CII to process your request.

For any further queries, concerns or issues related to membership admission you may write to us at

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