About us

CII's strategies for holistic integration of industry with the needs of society are built around the four prongs of Key Initiatives / Information, global integration, commitment to society and competitiveness of industry. The common factor in all its activities is partnership across a cross-section of organizations, including government, non-governmental organizations and international bodies. Working with and learning from diverse institutions, CII has strengthened the services it provides to its members as well as society at large.

In an e-enabled world, economic well-being of nations and their people is determined by the degree of their integration with the global fraternity. As businesses have transcended frontiers, marked by the freer movement of people, goods, capital and information, international work processes have become more cohesive. Economic realignments and geo-political developments have brought in their wake opportunities as well as uncertainties.

CII International works towards providing our membership clearer strategies based on deeper insights and analytical perceptions of emerging realities. At the forefront in helping Indian business connect and interact with global business, CII has activated a multi-pronged strategy for global networking. Meeting heads of state and government, decision makers, networking with counterpart organisations, multilateral and academic institutions and other policy making bodies, CII's alternate diplomacy ensures continued access to emerging opportunities for its membership. The network of 9 overseas offices helps us disseminate vital information related to markets and joint venture possibilities to Indian and foreign companies.

Amongst the many landmark events organized by CII as part of its global business networking initiatives are the US-India Business Summit in New York, the EU-India Business Summits in Lisbon and New Delhi and the India Conference in Berlin. CII actively partners the United Nations across a wide range of initiatives in diverse fields aimed at integrating the developing world into the global economy. CII and UNDP jointly launched the India Partnership Forum which has a mandate to build societal capital based on a social vision shared between business, civil society and the government. Under the CII-UNIDO Institutional Agreement, a countrywide network of Subcontracting & Partnership Exchange (SPX) Centres has been established for the benefit of Indian SMEs. CII has long standing relationships with the World Economic Forum, UNDP, UNIDO, ADB, IFC & World Bank, USAID, Ford Foundation, The Aspen Institute and other business associations and think tanks. We also have a large number of institutional co-operation agreements with organisations like US-India Business Council, The Indo-British Partnership, Commonwealth Business Council, Singapore Business Federation, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry and InfoComm Development Authority, Singapore.

India's economy is a mirror image of our pluralistic, democratic polity and is marked by heterogeneity of both character and scale. Policy related to one industry is more than likely to have an impact on several others in a domino like effect. The clear strategy here is to manage complementary and conflicting interests to the benefit of all concerned sectors. This is a task that CII's Agriculture, Manufacturing and Services Councils have performed with rare aplomb since their very inception. Better known collectively as ASCON (Associations Council), it walks the proverbial tightrope seeking to build consensus among its membership of 114 sectoral associations, 23 sector specific divisions and 14 committees. The single most important benefit of deliberations at an umbrella body like ASCON is the convergence of opinions and views. It provides members the much needed opportunity of exploring symbiotic inter-sectoral synergies.

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