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Corrosion Management Services
As per the estimates available, corrosion is eating away around Rs 3.6 lakh crores of rupees every year in India. However, these figures reflect only the direct cost of corrosion that includes cost of materials, equipment and repair, maintenance and replacement activities. Effects of Corrosion are much greater in terms of environmental damage, wastage of resources, loss of production and injury of personnel. Corrosion prevention and control is highly complex, further compounded by the fact that corrosion takes many different forms and is affected by numerous outside factors. Corrosion Management Services of CII are aimed at facilitating the provision of corrosion control targeted at major root causes.
CII Corrosion Management Services: Much information and expertise on corrosion related issues is available in the country, however it is confined to certain pockets and areas of the Industry. CII took the mantle of percolating this knowledge to the Indian Industries through:
1. Detailed Corrosion Audits –
Corrosion is a perennial problem experienced in all types of industries. Why Corrosion Audit? • Enhanced plant life • Preventive Maintenance • Safer operation of equipment • Huge savings in terms of equipment costs
2. Training Programmes, Technical Seminars and Workshops on Corrosion Prevention and Management - The objective is to raise awareness related to corrosion and availability of technical know-how of corrosion control.
Impact of CII Corrosion Management Services:
• 26 seminars/workshop/training programmes on corrosion held till date across the country
• Nearly 1000 organizations and 2000 Senior & middle level managers and Engineers benefited from these training programmes
• 8 corrosion audits conducted
• 23 Booklets on Corrosion Management prepared
• 10 posters on awareness about corrosion published