CII works across diverse industry sectors to raise efficiency, productivity, excellence, and sustainability and customize global best practices in Education, Training, Human Resource Development, Industrial Relations and Corporate Governance, to enhance Indian enterprise at the firm as well as at the sector level. Close to 500 CII Councils, Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Task Forces, weave the warp of vertical sectors with the weft of competitiveness-driving paradigms, to craft a vibrant dynamic agenda to Identify and address the specific needs of each sector through focused interventions; Facilitate the transfer of cutting-edge technology and knowledge to Industry; Showcase the prowess of Indian industry to the world; Promote innovation and internal competitiveness; Build capacity and capability across technical and qualitative metrics; Meld business excellence, environment conservation, energy management, and consumer protection; Foster cooperation and collaboration; Catalyze the globalization of Indian industry and integration into the world economy; Develop institutions, systems and processes to help; MSME become more innovative, market oriented, and customer-focused, to move up the value chain.