Leather and Leather Products
Consulting Services
Legal Metrology and Measurement System
Legal metrological requirements, relevant to the manufacturing sector, as laid down by way of standards under the Weights and Measures Act, 1976 and the Packaged Commodity Rules, 1977 have assumed critical importance in modern production lines. The Manufacturing sector in industry is increasingly recognizing that in the present demanding and competitive markets, good product design and efficient manufacturing must rely upon properly authenticated measurement and testing. Purchasers and consumers are equally concerned that quality, performance and reliability of products and services meet their requirements. In fact, there is an increasing awareness of the need to demonstrate quality and reliability of measurement and testing for environmental, health and hygiene, safety and other regulatory purposes. To meet such challenges, CII-IQ through its training, consultancy and seminar/workshop provide means of meeting all these requirements. Besides, CII-IQ aims to: Provide system and technical compliance to laboratories Provide services to improve and build skills to personnel to generate reliable data Provide shop-floor solution to measurement conformity need Provide solution to control variation through MSA Provide solution to variation to manufacturing process through SPC Provide training to personnel to develop skill in conducting Internal Audit in GLP CII-IQ continues to play an important role in supporting Indian Industry to meet these challenges.