29th CII QC Circle Convention
CII Organised 29th CII QC Circle Convention - Regional Finals on 23rd February 2017 at Hotel Westin,Chennai.
Caption : Tecumseh Products India Pvt Ltd, Telangana won the First Place and the Sundaram-Clayton Rolling Trophy at the 29th CII-SR QC Circle Competition -Regional Finals held on 23 Feb 2017 at Hotel Westin, Chennai
CII has done pioneering work in promoting manufacturing through its various Centres of Excellence spread across the country. CII initiatives such as the Total Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance etc, have helped companies to enhance their manufacturing competitiveness.
To provide an opportunity to motivate workers to exchange ideas, views and share experiences on quality circles and various methods to solve the problem, CII has been organizing Quality Control (QC) Circle conventions all over the country. QC Circle Competition, an annual feature since 1986, is the culmination of the State, Regional and National conventions that takes place throughout the year as part of CII’s continuous efforts to strengthen the Quality movement in India.
With the above, the 29th Edition of the CII Southern Regional QC Circle Convention – Regional Finals held on 23rd February 2017, had received tremendous interest from the CII membership across Southern States. There were 18 QC teams qualified from the Southern States who presented their QC Journey at the humungous number of Industries gathered at the competition.
The competition have been the great learning experience for all participants, and the comments, suggestions, and inputs from the Jury Expertise had helped companies to improvise their area work at the respective organisation.
The winners are as follows:
• First Place : Tecumseh Products India Pvt Ltd, Telangana
• Second Place : Toyota Kirloskar Motors Ltd, Bangalore
• Third Place : Rane Brake Lining Ltd, Puducherry
Also, the first place winner, Tecumseh Products India Pvt Ltd, Telangana bagged the Rolling Trophy sponsored by Sundaram-Clayton Ltd.
The winners from QC Regional finals will be competing at the upcoming QC National Finals.
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