IGBC Green Factory Building rating system
With the advancement of green building movement in India, many companies have evinced keen interest in having a holistic green design and construction framework for upcoming factory buildings. IGBC, in its endeavor to extend green building concepts to all building types has developed the IGBC Green factory rating system. IGBC Green Factories rating system is the first of its kind addressing sustainability in industrial buildings. The programme is fundamentally designed to address national priorities and quality of life for factory workmen.
IGBC Green Factory Rating System is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed based on the contemporary materials and technologies. This rating system would facilitate the development of green factories. The rating system evaluates certain credit points using a prescriptive approach and other credits on a performance based approach. The rating system is evolved so as to be comprehensive and at the same time user-friendly.
This is an excellent opportunity for projects to participate in the pilot rating programme. The learning from the pilot rating programme would influence in developing a robust rating system. The pilot projects play an important role in evaluating the results achieved by the pilot projects and the criteria established in the rating programme.
The pilot version of the rating system has been launched on 10th July 2009. Project teams interested in IGBC Green Factory Certification for their projects must register with IGBC.
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