India is the sixth largest manufacturing nation globally. The country’s manufacturing agenda received a boost with the launch of the Make in India (MII) program. With recent reforms, especially in enhancing ease of doing business, opening the economy to foreign investors and international trade and increasing transparency, India is well poised to become a key manufacturing player in the global economy. Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has been at the forefront of the Government’s Make in India action plan and has been supporting the Government in driving the National manufacturing agenda.
Going forward, the next phase of India’s manufacturing growth will require it to be future ready since there is an increase in the usage of technologies in diverse fields. The global manufacturing landscape is being transformed by digital technologies such as the “Internet of Things” collectively called “Industry 4.0”. CII believes that these digital technologies are key for unlocking manufacturing competitiveness in India and globally.
This edition of the Policy Watch is dedicated to manufacturing and focusses on the opportunities and growth prospects in the sector. It also highlights key interventions which need to be taken up on priority to put Indian Manufacturing on a path of high growth trajectory.