Artificial Intelligence
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AI is poised to serve as a transformative force for building National Competitiveness
Jan 30, 2024

AI is poised to serve as a transformative force for building National Competitiveness


CII in partnership with Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) organised a Round Table on Artificial Intelligence for National Competitiveness on 29th January at New Delhi which brought together businesses, CXOs/CMDs, academia and all stakeholders to create awareness about the benefits of AI-driven business and technologies.

The roundtable delved into dynamic trends in AI solutions and their seamless integration into businesses, marking a significant step toward fostering innovation and excellence.

Mr. Ylli Bajraktari, President and CEO of SCSP, said that “ If we examine the history of US-India relations, we see  a continual evolution over the past couple of years. This evolution is expected to persist, moving in the right direction. However, a pivotal factor in this progress is technology – acting as the glue that binds and accelerates the relationship. If we delve into people-to-people connections, it becomes evident that the bond is arguably the strongest it has ever been. On a corporate level, assessing the relationships between companies, it is intriguing to observe the capabilities of software companies in India alongside their counterparts in the United States. This dynamic interaction has played a crucial role in fostering stronger ties and mutual growth.'

Mr. Bajraktari further highlighted that  “The US-India partnership has never been more important than now, for shaping our global technological future. We are grateful for the opportunity to discuss matters of national competitiveness and national security with Indian industry”. Underlining the importance of joint efforts in advancing technology and ensuring global competitiveness, Mr. Bajraktari emphasized the need for continued collaboration between the two nations.

Mr T.P. Chopra Co-Chairman CII AI Forum, President & CEO BLP Group said thatThe speed at which Indian companies develop AI technologies, India is in a  unique position of manufacturing digital infrastructure and take the lead. He further added thatIn today's rapidly evolving business landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force, set to reshape the future of enterprises and fortify the security of nations. Those strategically embracing and leveraging AI position themselves not only to thrive in the global economy but also  contribute significantly to the national security interests of their countries.”

Mr. Dilip Sawhney, Managing Director Rockwell India said that “In a world that is increasingly more sensitive to sustainability concerns, availability of natural resources, human resources and several challenges, it is imperative to  manage through all that complexity and make breakthroughs to create  that trillion dollar in manufacturing sector. It is not going to happen till the time the sector digitally transform and relies on the power of some of these newer technologies and AI, and increasingly Gen AI presents some of those possibilities which can give us the fuel to proceed ahead.”

Prof. Dheeraj P Sharma, Director, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak said that “AI is the sort of a disruptive innovation which is likely to transform the way we function. There are already reports that indicate  that AI adoption  will add over 1% to the Indian economy in the next few years.”

Mr Pranjal Sharma, Economic Analyst & Author said that “In the past, national security used to revolve around what kind of arms, tanks, and bombs you have. It then shifted towards considering what kind of energy resources you possess. Energy security became synonymous with national security. Geopolitical alliances were also seen as crucial components of national security. However, today, technology is the cornerstone of national security.” He further added that “Whether it's a nonprofit, a government agency, or a for-profit organization, everybody will use AI for their own organizational competitiveness.”

Dr. Shuktij Singh Rao, Executive Director, CII Digital in his Welcome remarks stated that " With the current state of global AI development, US-India technology relations, the challenges and opportunities associated with it along with the key national security challenges, it is important that India and the US , partner in order to solve these issues.” He further said that “In this pivotal roundtable, we set the course for a collective effort to navigate the intricate landscape of evolving digital technologies. It is time for India to not just adopt but lead in responsible AI practices, showcasing our commitment to global excellence and ethical innovation."

The roundtable, attended by over 40 industry leaders, was extremely interactive and witnessed deliberations on visionary leadership in AI adoption for national competitiveness. The session involved the sharing of best practices and success stories, aiming to augment efficiency, elevate customer experience, and drive innovation on a national scale.


30 January 2024

New Delhi, India

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