CII Centre of Excellence for Innovation,
Entrepreneurship and Start-ups

CII has launched the 10th Centre of Excellence for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Start-ups in Telangana on 11 July 2020- as another milestone in CIIs 125th year.

CII Centre of Excellence for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Start-ups is supported by the Government of Telangana, by way of space at T-Hub technology startup incubator in the city, and Pratiksha, a charitable trust founded by Mr. S Gopalakrishnan.

The Centre is set to provide a very robust platform for building a stronger entrepreneurial ecosystem in India. The Centre will look at the entire ecosystem of startups - all the way from how to take research from lab to market, how to look at innovation that's relevant to society, how to address the societal problems using startups, how to then encourage funding for both proof of concept as well as initial setting up for the business and then capital for scaling the business.


To be a world-class, state-of-the-art, corporate-driven Virtual Start-up Resource Platform that enables growth of successful start-ups in India.


To evolve and leverage corporate partnership in development and growth of India’s start-up ecosystem with end-to-end support at a single platform aiming to faster transformation of business ideas to successful ventures impacting social and economic development through employment generation and wealth creation.

  • Strengthen Start-up Ecosystem in the country through policy research and recommendations to Government of India and State Governments to ensure ease of starting - doing – closing new businesses
  • Attract most innovative start-ups to collaborate with corporate and grow
  • Provide state-of-the-art working space and experience for budding start-ups to work from and all-round support to mature and grow their businesses
  • Help corporate to identify suitable budding start-ups for forging business partnerships and work with start-ups at the co-working space
  • Help investors to select potential budding start-ups for investing
  • Build partnership with national and international universities for imparting knowledge to and capacity development of budding start-ups.
  • Create a soft-landing platform for innovative start-ups from across the world to co-develop products and services for Indian market in collaboration with Indian start-ups and similarly facilitating Indian start-ups soft-landing in other countries to access global market.
  • Work with Central government and state governments to create enabling ecosystem for growth of start-up and employment generation
  • Special emphasis on deep tech start-ups in manufacturing sector by creating a pool of potential start-ups from young researcher community and help them developing business plans and with investment
  • Serve as a Knowledge Centre for preparing and empowering potential entrepreneurs in India through various capacity building programs and convert job seekers to job creators
For further details on the Centre, please write to::

Ms Madhu Vasanthy
Senior Director
Confederation of Indian Industry
Email :

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