Jammu & Kashmir is endowed with distinctive agro climatic conditions which clearly divide the
state into three zones viz. temperate, sub tropical and cold arid zone with a diverse range of crops
and vegetation. Main crops include Apple, Pear (Pome Fruits), Peach, Plum, Cherry (Stone Fruits)
and walnuts, almonds (Nuts). Apple tops the list as the horticultural production @ 87 % of the
total fruit production in the state.
J&K accounts for 67 % of the total apple production in India and is competitive. Apple production in
state yields 10 MT / ha vs. national average of 7.4 MT / ha. The state produces mainly Red Delicious
type of apples that counts for ¾ of crop. Some 20 cultivars are commercially grown, prominent
varieties include Hazaratbali (Benoni), Maharaji (White Dotted Red), Delicious (Red Delicious),
American Trel (American Apirogue), Amri (Ambri Kashmir) and Kesri (Cox’s Orange Pippin).