Total Cost Management (TCM) is the eff ective application of professional and technical expertise to plan and control
resources, costs, profi tability and risk. TCM is a systematic approach to manage cost throughout the life cycle of any
enterprise, programme, facility, project, product or service.
Total Cost Management framework addresses both strategic and operational issues in an organization thereby leading
to cost management and not cost reduction. Manifold increase in companies embracing TCM, its philosophy
and its interface with strategy is a proof by itself on the success stories.
With this background, CII initiated the TCM Movement in India to address the industry’s competitiveness through
• awareness sessions
• technical interventions
• special interactions
• research work towards developing new and advanced TCM tools and techniques
More than 5000 professionals are exposed to the latest tools/techniques and approach of TCM through awareness
CII also given handholding support in implementing TCM tools/techniques in more than 200 organisations.
The division has also conceptualized TCM Maturity model after an intense research work under the able guidance of
TCM working group. TCM Maturity Model is a rating system of cost management systems in an organization, developed
in the lines similar to CMMI in IT sector.
This model has been operatinalised in 2008-09 and received enormous response from the industry. More than 20
units have been rated using this model and the feedback is encouraging.
CII TCM division is also initiating TCM club to further spread the concepts of TCM across the country.