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Plenary Session 4: "AI: What does the Future Hold?"

The future of AI promises profound transformations across all sectors. As technology advances, AI is set to enhance automation, improve decision-making, and unlock new levels of efficiency. AI is also a key enabler for taking forward current investments in technology and innovation and is expected to add USD 450-500 billion to the Indian economy by 2025 and USD 967 billion to India’s GDP by 2025, accounting for 10% of the country’s USD 5 trillion GDP target. Moreover, the integration of AI in healthcare, finance, and transportation is expected to revolutionize these industries with smarter, more adaptive systems. However, alongside these opportunities, challenges such as privacy concerns, job displacement, and the need for robust regulatory frameworks will need to be addressed.

How can AI’s trajectory be hinged on balancing innovation with ethical considerations, ensuring it benefits society broadly while mitigating associated risks?

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