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Standalone Session on Future of Globalisation: Challenges for Indian Industry

The future of globalization presents a dual-edged sword for Indian industry. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, opportunities for expanding into new markets and accessing advanced technologies are burgeoning. However, these prospects come with heightened competition from global players and the challenge of complying with complex international regulations. Indian industries must navigate these waters by enhancing their competitive edge through innovation, scaling up their technological capabilities, and developing sustainable practices that meet global standards. Additionally, the rise of protectionist sentiments in some major economies poses a potential barrier to the free flow of trade and services, urging Indian businesses to fortify the domestic market while also having an outward outlook.

How can Indian industries leverage globalization to enhance their global competitiveness while mitigating the risks associated with increasing protectionism? What role can Indian industries play in shaping global economic policies that support sustainable and inclusive growth?

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