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Panel Discussion on “Innovating Partnerships for Sustainable Development”

Panel Discussion at Plenary Session 3:  “Innovating Partnerships for Sustainable Development” at CII Partnership Summit 2017 held from 27-28 January 2017 at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The speakers were - Pranjal Sharma, Economic Analyst & Writer (Moderator)Arancha Gonzalez, Executive Director, International Trade Centre, Switzerland, Geoffrey Clements, Chairman, The Commonwealth Association for Infrastructure Development (CIID), United Kingdom, Ramesh Kymal, Co-Chair, CII Committee on Renewable Energy and Chairman & Managing Director, Gamesa Wind Turbines Pvt Ltd, Chrys Fernandes, Regional Commercial Leader-India, SE Asia & Pacific, Dow Chemicals, Frank-Jurgen Richter, Chairman, Horasis, Switzerland. 

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