CII - VLFM Institute


To accelerate the creation of a cutting edge manufacturing culture in India with a focus on inclusive growth.


To engage with companies in priority markets and sectors to establish an eco-system to nurture locomotive projects that will foster inclusive growth through manufacturing.

The CII-VLFM Institute symbolises a unique Industry-Academia- Government partnership set up with support from Japanese and Indian Government, since 2007. It�s aim is to enable breakthroughs in business models, products, business processes, thereby fostering inclusive growth while making India globally competitive. It works to build capacities in companies and academia to accelerate diffusion of VLFM concepts and transform the country by working with managers across levels as well as by working with students in schools and colleges.

Services Portfolio

Leadership Skill Development
The VLFM Institute aims to develop leadership skills through various programmes to manage drastic change, become globally competitive and lead breakthroughs. These include:
-  Senior Managers Programme Enables managers with over 15 years experience to sense the latent needs of the customer and changes in the business environment to arrive at breakthrough ideas for implementation.
-  CEO Programme Sensitizes CEOs to skills available with their senior managers and enables them to lead breakthrough projects in their organisations.
-  SME Programme Helps build a mutually beneficial relationship between customers and suppliers by creating a standardised flow.
-  Internships Offers internships to NGOs, students, government officials and educational institutes to equip them with tools such as �Self Initiated Research� and �Five Step Discovery Process�, for specific application.

-  Survey of Indian industry to assess training needs of senior management.
- ï¿½Eco System for Innovation� conducted by VLFM participants for the Planning Commission. Presented during the annual learning convention under Prof. Shoji Shiba�s guidance in 2009.


This project is being implemented under an agreement signed by the Government of India and the Government of Japan. The implementing government agencies are : National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).


Over the last four years, the VLFM Programme has achieved phenomenal results:

Visionary Leaders 500 plus
Breakthroughs 150 plus
Breakthroughs with potential for
significant impact on society 3
Research based publications 17
Companies benefited 50 plus, including Godrej, Ashok Leyland, BHEL, SAIL, TVS Motors, Sona Koyo, Anand Automotive, Hero Moto Corp

New Tools developed by Chief Advisor - Prof. Shoji Shiba
Prof. Shoji Shiba, Chief Advisor, VLFM, has created some tools in India such as:
-  Five Step Discovery Process: a tool that helps participants collect facts and process them to gain new insights and widen perspective. This can help see the latent needs of non-customers. He has been the guiding force behind the creation and implementation of this initiative since 2004.
-  Self Initiated Research: A tool that helps participants study a new area and collect data in a new environment, be it another country or market. This is necessary for becoming a global leader/manager.

Professor Shiba has been honoured by the Emperor of Japan with the Order of the Sacred Treasure for his work with Indian academia and industry, in 2011. He is one of the very few individual Deming Prize holders from Japan. He has been conferred the Nikkei Quality Management Literature Award for his book Breakthrough Management. Prof. Shiba received the Grand Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, the country�s highest decoration for a person of foreign origin, in November 2006. For close to 15 years, Prof. Shiba conducted the �Leaders for Manufacturing Programme� at MIT and worked with US industry to help it become globally competitive.


Apart from Professor Shiba, at least four to five Japanese experts guide participants as part of the Indo-Japan association. A pool of about 30 �Demonstrators� has been trained in Indian industry at various levels, going up to the Master Level. These Demonstrators are mentored and skilled by Prof. Shiba, making them potential leaders for Breakthrough Projects. Some faculty is also drawn from partner institutes including IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur and IIM Kolkata.


�   Breakthrough Management
�   Five Step Discovery Process Manual with Examples
�   VLFM : A Learning Community History
�   VLFM Programme : Success Stories
�   A CEOs Guidebook for VSME Programme
�   Learnings From TPS
�   ChotuKool: The Experience of the Development Journey
�   Heijunka Manual � Case Study: A Model of Win-Win Supply Chain in Manufacturing
�   V-Map Manual


CII - VLFM Institute
249 F, Sector 18 Udyog Vihar Phase IV
Gurgaon � 122015
Phone : 91-124-4014060
Fax : 91-11-4014057
Email :
Web site :

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