CII Media Releases
"Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda" People need to be Made Aware of the Science of AYUSH
Nov 23, 2022

"Har Din Har Ghar Ayurveda" People need to be Made Aware of the Science of AYUSH


The Ayurveda I Yoga I Naturopathy I Unani I Siddha I and Homoeopathy (Ayush) industry in the country has seen a good growth in the last few years and is expected to grow to a $23.3 billion size in the year 2022.  Ayush are systems of medicine practised in India and form a vital part of the Indian culture.

To uphold the vision of AYUSH streams and chart its future course, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has organised the 6th CII Ayush Conclave 2022 on 23 November 2022.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal Hon’ble Minister of AYUSH & Ports, Shipping and Waterways said, “The success of the AYUSH sector needs to be attributed to the vision of the Prime Minister. By 2047 we have to make India Aatmanirbhar. Unless new generation is not made aware effective dissemination of information education and communication of AYUSH would not be possible. We have to enhance our Aatmavishwas and should make our lives strong by using the strengths of nature further by development through education. The strengths of biodiversity hotspots need to be developed through education. Biodiversity hotspots need to be harnessed especially in the north east. Economy should not be achieved at the cost of ecology and environment. We had conducted an ayurveda week for which there was a campaign for 6 weeks. Everyone needs to understand why Ayurveda is the science of life. We need to understand how research can give one the opportunity to accept talent. Projection, propagation, promotion and development need to be integrated. This is how future growth of the sector will be promoted. ”

Mr Rajiv Vasudevan, Chairman CII Ayush Forum and Founder and CEO, AyurVAID Hospitals said, “CII has been working in building as synchronous synergy towards the cause of mainstreaming of AYUSH for which all AYUSH components will need to be developed to a greater extent. In 2017 CII published a Vision document on what industry should articulate to enhance the growth of the sector. MoAYUSH carried out a market study of the comparative analysis of  AYUSH product and services. When you look at the AYUSH sector since 2019, you will realise that we have moved significantly. Ayurveda is an environmentally conscious and very credible system of health.Integrative medicine is another key area that is coming up. There is a need to complement global center for traditional medicine coming to India which is a great milestone. The positioning of Ayurveda and AYUSH has built confidence through credible means. Positioning of credibility is very important for the growth of the sector. In AYUSH there are large number of doctors being introduced in the stream who need to be trained. We need to go beyond angel and start up capital and focus on growth capital. To faciliate EODB we need clarity of regulations. In context of G20 we need to focus on preparation, response and prevention. "

Dr Vijay Kumar Jogdande Additional Secretary  Department of AYUSH, Government of Uttarakhand said, “Each individual treatment for any particular illness will depend on the individual’s genotype and phenotype. Uttarakhand is an upcoming sector for investments in AYUSH and many projects are lined up. One of the most prominent places in Uttarakhand is Rishikesh. Uttarakhand has already emerged as one of the most preferred destination for adventure and spiritual tourism. 8-9 million tourists visit Uttarakhand every year and there has been a multifold rise in tourist footfall this year, after 2 years of long pause due to covid. In Uttarakhand, there has been massive growth in capital investment due to our EODB favoring policies and liberal tax benefits. During 2015-16 to 2021-22 state’s GSDP rose at a CAGR of 7.8% to reach Rs 2.53 trillion for the period and for 2022-23 it is projected to be 2.76 trillion. Uttarakhand received a cumulative foreign direct investment inflow of INR 1000 cr from Dec 2019 to March 2022. Ranked first among the 12 Himalayan states in export preparedness index 2021 because of our business and export friendly environment facilities and infrastructure.”

Padmashri Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, MoAYUSH said, “MoAYUSH is committed to the propagation of AYUSH in the country and overseas. Collaboration of WHO led to a lot of benchmark documents being published for training, except for yoga. ICD-11 is a repository of modern medicine diagnoses and drugs. Huge demand is there, 89.9% of  Indian population has used AYUSH intervention for Covid. At the ground level there is a huge undercurrent. Hon’ble PM has announced several initiatives in the AYUSH sector which will come out soon, such as AYUSH Parks and AYUSH MARK. Currently the Ministry is working on Pradhan Mantri AYUSH Vikas Yojana. MoAYUSH has worked with QCI to launch entry level certification scheme as well as AYUSH Grid. Recently there was an ITU telecommunication. MoAYUSH has also initiated a study on the size of the services industry for MoAYUSH. In 2047 vision document we have committed ourselves to a 50 times growth for the road ahead.”

Dr Mukesh Batra, CII Homeopathy Sub-Group Ayush Forum and Founder Chairman, Dr Batra’s Group of Companies said, “ We have to make a roadmap on where AYUSH will be in the next few years both traditional and contemporary AYUSH which occupies 3% of the health market.” Pramod Kumar Pathak, Secretary MoAYUSH said, “MoAYUSH has constituted the advisory council and regular meetings are taking place. Ground realities must be addressed. Possible, only when regulatory mechanisms have been addressed. We are now also looking at the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and have already started getting valuable inputs. We have constituted NISM and practice and education. MoAYUSH should continue to be in the dynamic mode.”

Dr Manoj Nesari Advisor Ministry of AYUSH said, “AYUSH sector needs to be identified as an industry for EoDB. This would facilitate trade and business in this sector. While setting up a target of 5 trillion dollar economy, PM steered promotion of the system for creating awareness, reforms in education and government approach. Ministry has taken many steps at domestic and international levels to maintain quality standards of products and services. Export of services is being focused upon and would give the finished look collaboration with engineering exports promotion council. Ministry has set up the AYUSH Exports Promotion Council and also facilitated research and collaboration with DST and DBT. Ministry is also aggressively participating in Poshan Abhiyan and Ayush Aahar has been put under regulation. Ministry also facilitated decentralisation and that authority was given to the ethics committee. Ministry has also promoted skill development. More than 300 hospitals have been set up at international level is working at various foras. An India EU technical working group is also set up on AYUSH.”

Dr Madan Gopal, Senior Consultant NITI Aayog said, “We have amended the biodiversity act, and there is further scope for work. Only 3% of global market is covered by alternative medicine. One of the challenging things in AYUSH is to build capacities. We mapped capacities for the manufacturing of vaccines and need to understand how we can capitalise on regulatory mechanism. For education there are already standards of practice. If there is no demand then medicines cannot be sold. Need to create standards for government institutions and professional bodies to come together.”


New Delhi

23 November 2022

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