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Digital markets and emerging technologies - Annual conference on Competition Law and practice 2022

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) with the support of The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is  organized the Annual Conference on Competition Law and Practice on Saturday, 17th September 2022 Mumbai.

Discussions at the Conference were focus on below broad Themes:

Evolving Competition Law framework: Competition Law & Policy Reforms in India; Regulatory Challenges; Global Outreach (OECD, ICN, UNCTAD etc.) & Stakeholders’ expectations and Role of Advocacy

Anti-trust Law - Trends in Focus: Regulating Big-Tech; Domestic Legislative Reforms; Comity of Regulators & Investigation and Enforcement

The Rise and Rise of M&As: De Minimis Exemption Benefit; Killer Acquisitions – Risk; Impact of Pandemic; The evolving markets of Big Tech & Regulatory Compliance & holistic reporting of combinations

Leniency, Settlements and Commitments: Leniency Programme; Confidentiality Regime & Settlement’s and Commitments

Mandate of Advocacy & Stakeholders: Stakeholders Engagement; Competition Compliance Programme & Digital Advocacy

Digital Markets and Emerging Technologies: Defining Relevant Market & Determining Dominance; Competition Law and IPR & Regulatory Instruments for New Age Technology

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