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Plenary Session 12: "Sustainability & Development Imperatives and the Role of Standards"

The world is going through transformational changes catalyzed by sustainability imperatives. Businesses have to embrace these changes to be able to thrive. Simplified, fair and equitable regulations, that create a level playing field globally, are critical to empower businesses to make the required transitions. This session will reflect on how global standards can be developed to enable achieving both the developmental goals and the sustainability goals. Panelists:

 Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer, BP, UK

 Punit Renjen, Deputy Chairperson-Supervisory Board, SAP SE, USA

 Sanjiv Puri, Chairman & Managing Director, ITC Ltd, India

 Arunava Majumdar, Chester Naramore Dean, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability; Jay Precourt Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Energy Science and Engineering and Senior Fellow, Precourt Institute for Energy & Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA in-conversation with: Lynn Forester De Rothschild, Chief Executive Officer, E.L. Rothschild and Founder & Co-Chair, Council for Inclusive Capitalism, UK 

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