The potential for growth in the chemicals segment is, undoubtedly, very large. Growth in India’s chemical industry will be driven by Speciality chemicals partly because hydrocarbon resources to build a globally competitive commodity chemicals industry is not adequate. Given the large pool of talent which is vital for building a knowledge-based Speciality chemicals business, this segment is likely to witness higher growth though it is still in the nascent stage. However, the growth of Speciality chemicals will require availability of key feedstock at competitive prices.
Against this background, the CII National Committee on Chemicals commissioned a study on ten key materials which have wide applicability for the domestic market, have a large market size and are not competitively available. The study details recommendations for the industry and Government to ensure that the industry attracts investment and grows to realize its true potential.
The report ‘Key Feedstock for Speciality Chemicals’ was released at a CII Seminar on "Indian Speciality Chemicals Industry: Feedstock & Standards" held on 13 September, 2013 at Mumbai.
An executive summary of the aforesaid report is detailed. The study is a priced publication and for more information please contact:
Anubha Taneja
Deputy Director
Confederation of Indian Industry
India Habitat Centre (IHC)
Core 4A, 4th Floor,
Lodi Road
New Delhi-110003
Phone : 91-11-43516240 (D); 41504514 (Extn: 262)
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