CII in association with its knowledge partner YFactor released a publication on “Food Processing Industry: Scaling New Heights” against the backdrop of the Conference on Future of Food Processing: Growth & Creating Employment organised by CII (NR) on 22 May, 2014 at New Delhi.
The theme paper examines the various issues and challenges being faced by the food processing sector. While India has made significant strides in agriculture and is amongst the top three producers of many agricultural commodities, yields are still below the highest international levels. The Northern Region is a significant player on the national scene. Food processing is still in its infancy in India with less than 10% of the produce being processed. This leads to wastage and spoilage. Exports have also not emerged as a major area; supply chain is also multi layered, leading to large differences between farm gate and consumer prices. As the Indian economy grows and matures, there will be an increasing demand for processed food and towards producing more value added food products.
The publication details the following:
- Food Processing Industry
- The New Foods, Food Service and Food Retail Opportunity
- The Value Added and Exports Scale up Opportunity
- The Supply Chain, Infrastructure & Logistics Opportunity
- Food Safety Laws