This was a commissioned project by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India to CII and this report is a comprehensive outcome of the same.
Over the last decade India has witnessed an explosion in data through smartphones, social networking, banking and e-commerce companies which essentially has given an impetus to the gigantic growth in Data center market in India. There has been increased adoption of third party data center services and cloud computing environment by Indian government, industry and other larger entities. According to reported data, India’s data center market was at about $1.2 billion in 2010 and is estimated to grow by more than 8% over the next 7-8 years.
Data centers are energy intensive & its energy intensity may vary from 10 times to as high as about 100 times of the per square foot energy consumption of a typical commercial building. The increasing energy cost & correspondingly the operational costs possess challenges on the business competitiveness. Thus, it becomes necessary to reduce the energy consumption in data centers & enhanced energy efficiency has been recognized as an appropriate instrument for this purpose. Noticeable efforts have been made by various agencies from different countries to develop a conducive policy framework to enhance the energy efficiency of Data Centers in their respective country or worldwide.
The data center sector has been focusing on energy saving and the report has elaborated many opportunities in various segment of Data centers design and operation of the servers and the buildings that could lead to the reduction of power requirement by over 30%. In Indian Scenario, companies and executives associated with data center feel a growing responsibility to advance towards building of Green and Sustainable Data Centers. Thus, a comprehensive techno-strategic policy on Energy Efficiency in Indian Data Centers needs to be developed to embrace the concept of “Green IT” for a sustained growth.
The report was developed together by BEE and the CII Energy Technology team in active consultation with Data center owners, operators, technology providers, R&D institutions and state government representatives.
For any queries on the report you may please contact:
Dr. Suprotim Ganguly, PhD
Head : Energy (Technology)
Confederation of Indian Industry
23, Mantosh Sondhi Centre
Institutional Area, Lodi Road
New Delhi -110003
Tel: +91 11 45771000, 24629994/7 ( Ext : 403) , 24641074 (D)