The release of the National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business (NVGs) in 2011 and the CSR Section 135 in the Companies Act, 2013 have led to a larger discussion amongst the stakeholders about the linkage between them. However, perceptions and practices vary and businesses continue to engage in a range of ways on these issues across the spectrum. In that context, CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development thought it important to produce the necessary statistical evidence.
This survey provides statistical evidence on BR and CSR practices followed by the top 200 listed companies in India. It gives key insights into what the largest companies in India are already doing on BR and CSR. It highlights how these companies are responding to demands from various stakeholders to becoming more sustainable and responsive in their businesses and operations. The survey also provides insights to the government to evolve public policies on BR and CSR.