A report on how Indian companies contributing to the US economy.
The CII Report ‘India-A Growth Partner in the US Economy’ estimates that India sourcing of US military and nuclear hardware and civilian aircraft could create over 700,000 jobs in the US over the next ten years. CII survey of member firms with operations in the US clearly shows that Indian business is now engaged across a wide spectrum of sectors, and not just IT and IT enabled services. The survey also dispels the myth that Indian firms operating in the US typically hire India workers and shows that Indian firms have been aggressively hiring US workers, and a large majority of the workers in their US operations are US citizens.
A very interesting finding of the CII survey is that Indian firms have been actively engaged as stakeholders in community development. From participating in developing library programs, health research, and skilling of college graduates. ‘These examples of deep integration of these firms in the economic and social fabric of the communities in the US that they inhabit show that Indian business is in the US for the long-term and see themselves as partners in the resurgence of the US economy’, said Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General CII. Mr. Banerjee added that the ‘resurgence of the US economy is essential to the stability of the global economy, and we are all stakeholders in that process’.