The movement of the people, for the people and by the people – India@75 announces for the first time in India the National Volunteering Week starting 12th January to 18th January 2014. The pan-India initiative calls on every Indian to contribute in terms of their time and skill – towards making a difference in the lives of the millions of fellow citizens and unleash a contribution revolution driven by the ethos of selfless service.
The National Volunteering Week will celebrate the spirit of volunteering through a series of events and activities throughout the week, with each day dedicated to each pillar of progress as defined under the India@75 people’s movement. These activities will reach out to 50 million plus people and engage thousands of volunteers in supporting NGOs, community groups, and undertaking self led activities to help others in need. People from all walks of life - professionals, doctors, street vendors, farmers, entrepreneurs, students, teachers, government officials, and civil society professionals will join hands to collaboratively combat social challenges by contributing their time.
About the commemorative Week, Mr Adi Godrej, Chairman, India@75 Foundation, voiced, “The strong Vision of India@75 with its time bound objectives can only be met through collaborative and participative approach of Indians. Volunteerism cuts across the seven vision elements of India@75 as the common driver. National Volunteer Week and proposed National Volunteer Day is yet another innovative initiative of India@75 to sensitize the people and create a change in mindset where Indians can volunteer in various capacities by contributing time, skills & resources towards building a better India.”
On the subject of volunteering in the sphere of technology, Mr S. Gopalakrishnan, President, CII and Chairman of the Apex Council, India@75 Foundation remarked, “India, today, stands at an inflection point of change which we are witnessing all around us in every sphere. People want to participate and collaborate; hence, there is need for a credible platform to connect the contributors with those in need of support. Technology in all formats can play a vital role in creating synergy and cohesiveness of efforts to translate their individual aspirations of a developed India into tangible efforts for implementation of good intentions. Imagine the potential of 1.2 billion volunteers in bringing about a change that we all want to see.”
According to Mr Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII, "The preliminary study conducted by India@75 indicates that Pro Bono potential of employment by corporates in India, both direct and indirect, is approximately USD 10 billion in next 10 years. Pro Bono and Skilled Based Volunteering (SBV) if adopted by the Indian corporate as next practice, can be the force multiplier in creating an eco- system of volunteerism, by strengthening the demand side of volunteers through capacity building of grass root organizations to scale up their activities and deliver with enhanced efficiency”.
Rajan Navani, Chairman of the National Committee, India@75, points out, “India @75, in a pilot run in 2012, reached out to 55 million Indians to count themselves in to participate in nation building activities. Our endeavor this year is to reach out to at least 100 million people from all walks of life and to create an eco-system for structured volunteerism in India. India@75 endeavours to create a mechanism to meet the demand and supply of volunteers by providing an overarching institution in the form of a National Volunteering Grid, where individuals, community and organizations will have opportunities to participate."
Online Platform
An IT platform has been specifically launched with the help from volunteers from Infosys to create widespread volunteering action. is an easy and effective way to seek volunteers and to search for volunteering opportunities. A help desk number +919560932223 has also been set up where people can give a missed call and the India@75 volunteering desk will call back to answer queries, doubts or register support and participation.
About India@75
India@75 is a path breaking initiative that envisions how India should be in her 75th year of independence. It seeks to bring together all stakeholders including the industry, government, institutions, community groups and individuals to translate the vision into a reality. It was on 23rd September 2007, while commemorating the 60th year of India Independence at New York, that Prof. C K Prahalad first articulated the idea of holistic, three-dimensional development of India to acquire economic strength, technological vitality and moral leadership by 75 years of independence. Within a year on 8th May 2008 CII adopted his vision and launched India@75.
Be a part of the movement. Volunteer!
You can register as a volunteer and join the movement by simply logging onto India@75’s multiple access points. All of us can truly make a great difference by simply joining and volunteering in our own small way. All you need to do is just reach out and enlist prior to the volunteering week and be a part of the change you envisage.
For further details on the various volunteering opportunities, schedules and other inputs that you may seek, please visit the India@75 National Volunteering Week official site, or India@75 Facebook page