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Session with Mr Farhad Forbes, Chairman, CII Corporate Governance Council & Co-Chairman, Forbes Marshall

CII has been organizing the CII Governance Series, aimed at facilitating dissemination of changing trends of corporate governance by way of holding interactive sessions with CEOs focusing on governance, transparency, ethics and trust – fostering a culture of good governance in true letter and spirit.

Furthering this important initiative, CII along with National Foundation for Corporate Governance (NFCG) is launching the CII Governance Series 2023 (a series of interactive sessions) in a virtual mode.

The first Session of the Series was scheduled with Mr Farhad Forbes, Chairman, CII Corporate Governance Council & Co-Chairman, Forbes Marshall on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 from 1000 – 1100 hrs (In a virtual Mode) with the Theme ‘Governance in family business’

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