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Panel Discussion on "Policy Changes That Will Help “Unlock” Industry Growth"

Panel Discussion on "Policy Changes That Will Help “Unlock” Industry Growth" at the 9th Medical Technology Conference 2016 held on 2 September 2016 at New Delhi. The speakers were - Pavan Choudhary, Co Chairman CII Medical Technology Division, Nigel Talboys, Global Director, Government Affairs & Public Policy, Terumo BCT, USA, Badhri Iyengar , Managing Director-South Asia, Smith and Nephew Healthcare Pvt Ltd, K L Sharma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), G N Singh, Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), Himanshu Baid, Chairman, CII Medical Technology Division, Probir Das, Managing Director, Terumo India Pvt Ltd and Sudhansh Pant, Joint Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers. 

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